

Please find below a glossary of terms and their meanings as they are used in the SentLive service.

Add On - an extra item that can be purchased to enhance the SentLive service

Alert - means the Not Safe or No Response Notification sent out

App - means the application downloaded and installed on a mobile device

Big Blue Button - the button that is used to notify contacts of your safety status, located on the Home screen in the app, and on the Dashboard page of the website. It turns Green when tapped or clicked, denoting Safe, and Red when tapped/clicked and held, denoting Not Safe.

Check - means two things in the SentLive world; (i) the message sent by SentLive, or another user, to your device asking 'Are you OK?'; and (ii) each use made of the SentLive service

Menu - means the list of pages you select from in the apps and the website

No Response - is the Alert sent to Contacts when you receive a Check asking 'Are you OK?' and you do not respond within a certain time

Notification - is any message relating to the SentLive service; a list of those sent is available in the app and the website

Not Safe - is the Alert sent when a user holds the Big Blue Button down on the Home screen in the app (or clicks and holds the equivalent on the Dashboard page in the website)

Plan - a 12 month purchase of the SentLive service; 4 Plans are available, priced at £20, £30, £40 and £50, offering 60, 100, 200 and 380 Checks respectively.

Request A Check - an option for users to select one of their Contacts to check if they are Safe.

Safe - is the message sent when a user taps the Big Blue Button on the Home screen in the app (or clicks the equivalent on the Dashboard page in the website)