How to make teachers and employees of my institution to use your institution's portal efficiently?

How to make teachers and employees of my institution to use your institution's portal efficiently?

The portal is an enterprise solution which demands commitments from Teachers and non-teaching staffs of your organization to achieve its full potential and increase the efficiency of your organization. Successful implementation of the portal or any other ERP solution in your institution requires 5% technical skills and 95% social skills.

General tips

  1. Understand that people fear to make mistakes. The employees of your institution may fear that a simple mistakes done while entering the data to the software will be ridiculed by the technical team or other staff. So train your employees well and assure that there is no problem in making mistakes.
  2. Don't give the job of daily data entry to teachers initially. Let it be done by a technical employee who can update the data of the system as suggested by teachers offline.
  3. Carrot and Stick model. Let there be rewards associated with usage of the software and punishments for not using it.