Stock not updating on websites (or in One Stop Order Processing)

Stock not updating on websites (or in One Stop Order Processing)

If you have setup One Stop Order Processing (OSOP) for Stock Control (locally for Professional and on websites for Premium and Enterprise) and it is either not working or has stopped working follow the guide below to see where the problem is.

1 Make sure the SKU used on a product (and in the order) on Ebay, Amazon, Shopify (or other website) matches that in OSOP. In OSOP look at the SKU on the Main page of the product and see if it is listed on any of the Order Type SKU pages. If it isn't shown then you will need to either add a new product or add to an exiting product's SKU.

2 If the SKU can can be found on a product (or Order Type SKU) you then need to make sure that there is not more than 1 reference of the SKU in OSOP. In product Management create a filter for the SKU and make sure only 1 product is shown. You should also include any Deleted products and if shown Purge Deleted products. To see if the product is included more than once in the Order Type SKUs you should use a filter that uses the field for that selling channel, e.g. Ebay SKU, Amazon SKU, OneStop SKU.

3 Make sure that Stock Control is turned on for the product that you are looking at. If this product is make up from other products (Update Stock from Components is ticked for the products) you should make sure that stock control is setup correctly for the components AND Use Stock Control is ticked for this product.

4 Make sure that there is not a problem with the products in the database. You should repair the database (on the main screen click on the Manage Database button and make sure Compact and Repair database is ticked (and click Repair).

5 In Product Management you should then run the Products->Validate->Products and Components menu option  and the Products->Validate->Order Type SKUs->Duplicate Items menu option.

6 Make sure Stock logging is turned on and working correctly. Make sure Log Stock Information is ticked in the Stock Control section on the Other tab in Options (Tools->Options menu option on the main window). Then make sure Log Stock Information is ticked on the Stock tab on the product (and any of its components). This should then be logging any stock changes.

7 If stock is being adjusted in OSOP but is not being reflected on the websites you will need to check the Order Type SKUs to make sure that they have a valid website connection. To do this, in Product Management, select the Products->Validate->Order Type SKUs->Items No Longer for Sale menu option. If this shows an error (i.e. that the product is no longer for sale) you can set the correct link. If this is correct it maybe that the wrong product is being updated on the website. For Amazon check that the SKU is correct, for Ebay the Item listing ID given is correct, for Shopify the product ID etc..

8 It maybe that you have more than 1 OSOP product linked to the same product online. For example, 2 products with different SKUs in OSOP both have the same Ebay item ID. If you look at the Log for this product (is OSOP) the stock level will be shown with a different value compared to that on Ebay. If this is the case you should look at all your products in OSOP and add the Update date to the view and see what products have been changed at the same time as this product