Royal Mail Click and Drop Labels are not being created (but the tracking details are returned)

Royal Mail Click and Drop Labels are not being created (but the tracking details are returned)

Your Royal Mail Click and Drop Watch folder has a folder called Labels, e.g.

C:\Users\ktailton\Documents\Click & Drop Desktop\Watch\Labels

This is the location where Royal Mail Click and Drop Desktop stores the created labels (as PDFs).

If no files are being created in this folder you should make sure that you Anti-Virus software is not blocking Royal Mail Click and Drop Desktop from creating files in this folder. You may need to add this folder to the list of folders to only allow certain access (for PDF files) OR add the Royal Mail Click and Drop software (which is, by default, installed in

C:\Users\ktailton\AppData\Local\Programs\click-and-drop-desktop-client\Click & Drop™ Desktop.exe

where ktailton is your username.

If some of the labels are being returned and some labels are missing this is a problem with Royal Mail Click and Drop. This can be resolved by closing (stopping) and restarting Royal Mail Click and Drop Desktop.

If there is a still a problem, it is most likely that Royal Mail is taking longer than normal to create and send them over to the PC (into OSOP). OSOP checks the for the labels for the same time that has been setup in OSOP in the Click and Drop Settings in the  Wait for Click and Drop to Process each order (wait for maximum of  section, shown below:

Increase this time, for example, to 90 seconds. If still problems increase this to 180. This is the maximum time to wait, if the label is created OSOP will continue to the next task (e.g. creating next label).

If this is still a problem contact Royal Mail to see if there is a problem with their Click and Drop Desktop software.

You can also subscribe to the Click and Drop System status and they will sendemails to you when there are system errors. If you go the website:

and click on the SUBSCRIBE TO UPDATES button.