Will registering with Musicinfo stop me from distributing my music on other global streaming apps and sites?

Will registering with Musicinfo stop me from distributing my music on other global streaming apps and sites?

No, Musicinfo distributes your music only in Mainland China. Your collaboration with Musicinfo is exclusive only within the territory of mainland China and there are no restrictions whatsoever if you wish to distribute your music to other streaming applications and websites operating outside Mainland China. Registering with us does not restrict you from signing with any record label company either. We only distribute your music while all the music rights stay with you.

We cannot distribute music that has already been distributed to China with the exception of Tencent (TME): QQ, Kuwo and Kugou, and Netease.
We can distribute to our other services even if your music is currently on TME and/or Netease.