What is Musicinfo's refund policy?

What is Musicinfo's refund policy?

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help. Any issues that you may encounter must be brought to the attention of Musicinfo as soon as the issue arises, where with the cooperation of the customer will find a workable solution.

What will make you eligible for a refund?

You can request a refund within 5 business days from the date you made the purchase. You are eligible for a refund only if you have not yet used the service or can provide an acceptable reason why you cannot continue using the service. Please note, you need to provide us with the proof of purchase, e.g., receipt along with the refund request.

Can you still request a refund after 5 business days?

If you request a refund after 5 business days from the day you made a purchase on the Musicinfo Web Store (/musicinfo.io), you will not get your money back but it can however be converted to credit which you can use to purchase another product or service from our webstore.

Musicinfo does not refund if products fail to meet customer's needs due to a lack of understanding by the customer, of the products functions and capabilities. Or, if a customer has a 'change of mind' after purchase.