Why Musicinfo do not provide the links of my music from all the DSPs?

Why Musicinfo do not provide the links of my music from all the DSPs?

Regarding the DSPs, there are major streaming services like QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, Qianqian Music, NetEase Music etc.. Since QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music are from same company, once your music is on QQ Music, then the music is also on Kugou Music and Kuwo Music. You can check your album's online situation from the streaming services from their website listed below:
  1. Qianqian Music: https://music.taihe.com/

  2. NetEase: https://music.163.com/

  3. QQ music: https://y.qq.com/

For the rest of the services, they are non-interactive online music services, the services do not provide the search function for albums and artists, in this case, Musicinfo cannot provide the links of the music. You will see your music's performance on the non-interactive online music services from the statistics report.