Security Recommendations

Security Recommendations

This page describe the recommended security features that should be configured for on-premise installations.


Regarding the servers and operating system the following points should be considered:
  1. The eRecruiter installation should be split into a multi-server architecture (see System Description).
  2. The eRecruiter should only be installed on trusted servers that are fully controlled by the operations team.
  3. Candidate data, even if just stored temporarily, should only be stored on encrypted partions and scanned for malicious content.


Regarding the network infrastructure the following points should be considered:
  1. The eRecruiter installation should be split into a multi-server architecture (see System Description).
  2. The communication between the servers should be encrypted (HTTPS or secure tunnels).
  3. The servers should be separated through firewalls with strong rule sets (ports, destinations).
  4. The servers should use a separated VLAN infrastructure.

Data / Database

  1. The data (files, database) should only be stored on encrypted partitions.
  2. Data transfer between the data storage and applications should be encrypted.
  3. Data access policy should be restricted to the application service users and a limited set of administrators.
  4. Data should be scanned for malicious content.
  5. Data transfer between database and applications should be encrypted.
  6. Database access policy should be restricted to the application service users and a limited set of administrators.


  1. The application server logs should be activated in the IIS configuration.
  2. The application server logs should be collected on a regular basis and stored in a secure location for an extended period.
  3. The application sanitizes data transferred from candidates before displaying and storing whenever possible.
  4. The application utilized different security mechanism to prevent common types of attacks.
  5. The application uses a role based access policy (configurable in the administration interface).
  6. The application uses an audit logs for actions related to candidates.

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