How to: Invite players to view your map (Fog of War)

How to: Invite players to view your map (Fog of War)

Learn how to use the campaign manager to show a fog of war version to your players.

Please note: DGNFOG is primarily a map making tool and not a virtual game table, so there are things you can do with our viewers and things you can't:
  1. You players don't need their own DGNFOG account.
  2. Only the game master can currently move player tokens.
  3. You have two options how to use the viewer: Either create a local player and share it in your video call (recommended) or create share links for your players directly (please note the limitations below).
  4. Since our core focus is to show maps, there are no dice rollers or character sheets implemented yet

How to add players to your map?

1) Campaign Manager

Add the map to your campaign and open it through the campaign manager.

2) Create new viewer

Click on the player tab to create a new player's view.
While in the gm's view of your campaign map, you have access to the gm's toolbar (yellow). here you can add a new player view and manage existing player views.

Decide if you want to create a local view or an external remote link: 
  1. Open new local player window (Recommended). This will open a player window in a new tab on your PC.  You can then use this window to screen-share it via Zoom / Discord / Skype / Google Meetings (etc.) to show your players a fog of war version of your map.

    The advantage of this method is, that all changes happen on your PC directly via cross-tab references instead of sending all changes and updates through our DGNFOG game socket.
    We recommend this method, since it has proven more stability and performance especially for slow internet connections or big maps.

  2. Remote Player. If you want to share the viewer as a remote link, you can copy this URL and send it to your friends. (please note the limitations below)

4) Accept your remote requests

  1. When adding a remote player, the player icon begins to jump, to notify you that there is a new connection request.
  2. Click on the player tab and accept the request.
  3. Only accept the request if your player's viewer name and the request do match. 

5) Manage you player views

Once your views are active, you can click on each tab to select it and move / adjust your players viewport-frames.
  1. Close viewport (trash-bin icon). This will end the selected viewer.

  2. Freeze / Unfreeze. You can freeze / unfreeze the viewer to make changes before your players can see it.
    Switching levels will automatically freeze (see option "freeze players on level change") the viewer until you have readjusted the tokens and are ready.
    SHIFT+CLICK on a frozen viewer will automatically unfreeze it.

  3. Zoom. Adjust the zoom level for your viewer.
    The size of your viewport rectangles are defined by the window size of your players.
    You can manually change the zoom level per player tab (this will be reflected in making the viewport rectangle bigger or smaller).

  4. Rotation. Useful when playing on a TV-table or with a projector. You can change the rotation of your player's viewport.

6) Sending tokens to another map level

If you want to switch a level, use the quick navigation in your tool bar to do so.
To send tokens to another level make use of the circular right-click options:

Hide token. This will hide the token.
Stairs up/down. This will send the token to the same position on your level above / below
Ping. This will send a ping on the tokens location of your player's viewer.
Delete. This will delete the token.

Please note: Limitations to the remote viewer:

Our remote viewer is still very early in development and there are some limitations to it.
1) You all need to use the same browser (eg. Chrome).
2) You all need a stable internet connection
3) Refreshing your browser window creates a new connection

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